Wahoo (Find Your Base - Intermediate)

Don't forget to reference these helpful links as needed: The BasicsGlossaryHow To Read a WorkoutPacing Table

And for a reminder on how to read the clock when using bases, see Interval Training.

Warm Up
400 your choice

Set 1
4 x 50 @ :15 rest

Do these at a comfortable pace, but not loafing. Figure out your average time for those 50s (the time when you touch the wall.) 

To figure out your base, take your 50 time and multiply it by 2. Then add 15 seconds (because we want a little rest in between swims.)

Example: I average :50 on the 4 x 50. Double that (1:40) and add 15 seconds, for a 100s base of 1:55. Depending on what you feel your effort was, don't be afraid to bump that base up or down 5 seconds.

Main Set
4 x 100 @ b (the base you just calculated above)
1:00 rest
4 x 50 @ b (half of your 100 base...if your 100 base is an odd number, you can choose to round up or down)

You should be able to COMFORTABLY make the 100s on your base. Effort should be about 70%, and you should't be getting more than 15 seconds rest between each 100. You should also be able to make the 50s with no problem following the 100s, but should be getting no more than 10 seconds rest.

Warm Down
200 easy

Total: 1,400

This workout is just to establish your base which you can use as a foundation for the other workouts on this site.

Your 100 base is going to be the foundation for all of your workouts. To get your 50 base, simple divide your 100s base in half.  So if your 100 base is 2:00, your 50s base is 1:00. To get your 200 base, double it (4:00). You can always refer to the Pacing Chart if you aren't up for the math.

Feel free to mess around with your base, and keep in mind that as your swimming improves your base will most likely get faster. BECAUSE YOU ARE A CHAMP!